Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy is a more intensive form of psychodynamic (talk) therapy, conducted multiple times a week for a minimum of 6-12 months. The frequency of the work creates a more intimate therapy relationship than traditional weekly therapies, allowing the patient and therapist to begin to understand both conscious and unconscious ways of relating; the ways childhood experiences, traumas, and families of origin influence who we become; and even why we dream what we dream, marry who we marry, or find ourselves stuck in the same kinds of experiences.
Although classically trained in the theories of Freud, Dr. Anson has a much more interactive way of working with patients, asking questions and sharing honest impressions, and he sees patients both face to face, on the couch, or virtually, 2-3 times a week.
Psychoanalysis has long been a premier modality for exploring past traumas, relationship problems, grief and loss, anxiety and somatic symptoms, obsessions and compulsions, dreams and nightmares, and personality issues, but in recent years has also proved useful in exploring gender, sexuality and transition journeys.
While all therapies aspire to reduce symptoms and suffering, psychoanalysis is deeply personal and specific to the individual embarking on this exploration, and is best situated to ask the toughest questions: Why am I the way I am? Why these symptoms? What holds me back from being fully human? What would it take to let myself have a new kind of experience?
At Atlas Psychiatry, we are about new experiences. Set up a consultation with Dr. Anson today.